Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (Android port)

Title screenNVL mode
ADV modeCG


This is an unofficial Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Android port. Enjoy life in Hinamizawa to the fullest with updated graphics, voice acting, and music from both the original game and the console ports! Nipah~☆

All four question arcs are fully ported. Please let me know if you find any bugs or errors.

Don't forget to buy Higurashi no Naku Koro ni if you still haven't it, either the pc version or the console ports.

Download links (choose preferred one):
  1. PS3 Sprites. Full apk file, ~1.73 GB
  2. PS3 Sprites. Apk and game resources separately. Install the apk and then put the six .rpa archives into "/Android/data/com.higurashi/files/game".
  3. Original Sprites. Full apk file, ~1.74 GB
  4. Patch to fix unclosed cps tag bug. Put patch.rpyc file into "/Android/data/com.higurashi/files/game".

Extract files to /Android/data/com.ps3.higurashi/files/game/ directory.
Reinstall the game if it crashes after creating the "game" folder.

– v1.18 (May 15th, 2021):
  • Russian translation of Tatarigoroshi-hen and Himatsubushi-hen
  • Updated version with original sprites
  • Updated game menu
  • Improved switching between ADV and NVL modes
  • New sounds from PS3/PS4 ports
  • Other small improvements and bug fixes
– v1.17 (February 18th, 2021):
  • Russian translation of Watanagashi-hen
  • New sounds from PS3/PS4 ports (currently only in Onikakushi and Watanagashi)
  • Updated sprites
  • Bug fixes and improvements
v1.16 (January 17th, 2021):
  • Russian translation of Onikakushi-hen
  • Updated night and sunset effects
  • Bug fixes and improvements
– v1.15 (October 8th, 2020): 
  • Onikakushi Voice Matching
  • Bug fixes

TachibanaDarwin aka darwin07
-07- – Original Ren'Py port for Russian script with original and PS2 graphics and music.
07th-Mod – PS3 graphics and voice patch for PC version and translation fixes.


  1. THANK YOU, can't wait for the rest <3

  2. sorry but is there no ADV mode? the text appears on all of the screen and i can't find an ADV mode in the settings, the port is great tho. thank you for your work.

    1. sorry, no adv mode yet, but i'm going to add it soon.

    2. no prob.
      And i think you should adjust the timing of the Onikakushi screen that Rena talks over it, in the PC/07thmod version it happens after the festival not in the beginning of the chapter + Add the opening screen that Ryukishi07 talks about the difficulty in it and bla bla (in this port it appears for 1 second when you select Onikakushi).
      idk if i'm being annoying or helping XD

    3. This port is more like the original game. So... the chapters' descriptions appear when you hover the buttons in scenario select screen like in original, and the reason why the poem with the monologues appear in the beginning is that they are supposed to appear when the chapter starts. Onikakushi-hen in console ports starts after the festival, the days before Watanagashi festival are mixed (the first five days are from Onikakushi, then goes days from Watanagashi and Tatarigoroshi). The are also choices in console ports, and depending on them you get Onikakushi, Taraimawashi, Watanagashi, Tatarigoroshi, Tsukiotoshi or Someutsushi scenarios.

    4. Understandable, i only played the 07th mod version so i didn't know that.
      Thanks for explaining.

    5. added adv-mode, should work fine.

  3. Will you be porting Kai and the rest of the console arcs as well? :) Thank you so much for doing this! Would you mind giving a small explanation on how it's done?

    1. If everything goes well, I will start porting Kai and Rei and continue porting the rest of the console arcs.
      I just made a small program that converts MangaGamer's scripts with 07th-Mod patch to Ren'py scripts, but doesn't work very well, though.

    2. Sweet! Are all the arcs available as Ren'py versions?

    3. It's possible to port all of them.

    4. Cool! I look forward to future, then :)

  4. Thank you so much for this! Looking forward to the answer arcs as well. I bought them all on steam but have an easier time reading them on my phone when out and about!

  5. Thank you for this, I really appreciate the effort.

    Is it possible to add the original sprites into this release? Also is the process you used to do this documented anywhere, I would love to figure out how to add the old sprites myself and save you the effort.

  6. First of all, a huge thank you. You have no idea how much I struggled with trying to make a Higurashi port work (oh, those vnds days...).

    Second, I'm going along with the previous Anon. Is there any possibility of adding the 07 sprites? The meathands grew on me

    1. If you want to add the original sprites, then just replace the current sprites with Ryukishi's sprites in the apk. The sprites' height should be 720 pixels and 4k sprites should be replaced with blank images. After changing the apk, sign it using any apk signer. This should work.

    2. Once again, thank you so much for the tips. I had never tried my hand at anything resembling mobile app development before this, so I'm not entirely sure if it works 100%, but I could start and play the app on my end. Didn't playtest anything though, but it shouldn't crash anyway. I kept the sprites for all the characters that didn't have dedicated ones in the original release (Kuma, Chibi Mion, etc.) and changed the portraits as well. Hopefully didn't overlook anything, here's the link:


      Let me know if there are any issues.

    3. Great work! I've tested it and everything seems to be fine. Except for two things: in some moments the sprites are shifted to the left (seems like it's because of the width) and the ps3-only sprites kinda look strange with the original sprites.
      I'll leave the link in the post, though.

  7. When I download the game on mega and open it it says "app not installed" did I do something wrong or is the problem with my tablet and I tried downloading it many times already only to end up with the same problem

    1. i had that problem and it turned out i didnt have enough free space on my internal storage

    2. Great I deleted a lot of stuff and now it's working perfectly, really excited to start it now:)

  8. Will it be possible to lower the minimum sdk version to 18?
    Or can you please tell me how can I do it?

    1. Sorry, I don't think it's possible. Ren'py minimum supports Android 19.

  9. Can you please divide the apk into apk and obb? some devices dont support installing large apk

  10. thanks a lot bro both for dividing the apk and for making this port.

  11. Will you upload the answer arcs

  12. What's the the difference between the 3 links? Can I download any 1 or does it have to be all 3

  13. Can you please release the version without VA? Preferrably with original sprites? I want to have as much of an original experience as possible in portable.

    1. I think you can use ONScripter version instead.

    2. Huh. Didn't know that android had ONScripter ported. Thanks for the info!

    3. Or you can't... because apparently there is no english patch for the main arcs (NScripter). I'll try to make the version without VA and with original sprites.

    4. Here it is: https://mega.nz/file/bo0miJxI#5cDH6CSvKJhZ_sXbZYeVvq4XnKkCuqZtwpYQTZD03vY

  14. Thank you so kindly for making this, just started the new anime & felt I ought to go replay the VN.

  15. I've never played any VNs so if anyone could help me with how I'm supposed to play this I would appreciate the help

  16. Sorry to bother you is there a way to have the original backgrounds?

  17. Awesome dude, are the saves interchangeable with the pc version by any chance ?

    1. I've used a different engine to make this port, so pc saves won't work with this version.

  18. Oh ok, but if I started playing the PC version, can I switch to chapter 2 on the mobile version or are there any differences?. Also any chance of having mouth flaps ?

    1. oops I meant to reply to your response, sorry

    2. There are some differences from the pc version, but mostly they're the same, so I don't think there are any problems switching to this mobile port. As for lipsync... I don't know.

  19. Well thats good to konw about the switcheroo, and the lip sync I can live without. Thanks for the port !

  20. There are more updates planed? Besides any other alternative version (like OG backgrounds & sprites, for example), I mean.

  21. It's just me or the video opening didnt play in the apk+obb version?

    1. It also happen to me too. Is it a bug, or is it just not added yet?

  22. Got 1 missing background art in the image gallery ( in the 2nd page, 2nd row, and 3rd column). Also got some background art/effect's error in the himatsubushi extra cast and main story watanagashi arc iirc. Anyway thanks for your porting!! Looking forward for the minagoroshi arc's release!

  23. Hello, I discovered your apk this week and this is exactly what I needed to read more of this masterpiece when I'm not home. I just have a question about if there was some update adding the lipsync since the last time that I could have not found. Even if there is not, I give you my thanks.

  24. there was a problem parsing the package. i spent around two or three hours to download the file in mega so I'm really disappointed and wondering if there's a way to fix it

    1. Maybe your Android version or your device is not supported, or maybe the apk is corrupted or your device doesn't allow to install apps not from Google Play. Check if the apk was downloaded correctly.

  25. Can someone upload the obb to mediafire? I'm having trouble with mega.

    1. You can try downloading it from google drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iuNf0PUTSXi6zy0stiAMHq1OVIRcf9Uq/view?usp=sharing

    2. Thank you! ❤️

  26. Are you working together with -07- to bring the Russian translation?

    1. Also if you are interested I've translated some GUI images into Russian (captions and a bit better config).

    2. No, -07- probably doesn't even know about this project and he said he is not very interested in Higurashi anymore.
      As for translated gui images, send me them, I'll check.

    3. Sure. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17sWMnocqh5VAJZB4RtyT1dKGpuD3_I9v?usp=sharing

  27. Hello, thanks for the update, can you give us an example for the updated sunset and night effect?

  28. Would it be possible to add the French script like 07thmod did?

  29. Could you please upload the apk to Google Drive or another file sharing service? Thanks uwu

    1. Sure. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wp5_mWer4k_TJfIFqAx_uLvJryqo7boq/view?usp=sharing

  30. Great work!Please add russian translate of other chapters!

  31. I need some help. I am on redmi note 7 everything is fine but there is no voice acting any idea what the problem can be?

  32. idk if its just me but all the tips in himatsubishi-hen were question marks

  33. waiting for rus translation...thank you!

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. How can I translate it to my native language ?

    1. I want to translate it to Portuguese Brazilian.

    2. Paste the translation to these transaltion script files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15cRFdySAqS5fBToJRhc8QmTYQhdqUpxG?usp=sharing

  36. I installed the apk and then extracted the obb file into /Android/data/com.ps3.higurashi/files/game/, but it keeps crashing. I tried extracting the obb first and then installing the apk but it still crashes, what am I missing?

    1. That directory is for extras, you need to put the obb file in "Android/obb/com.ps3.higurashi"

    2. Sorry for the super late reply but I put the obb there and now I can only see an image with the Higurashi logo and the game doesn't start.

  37. So sorry if this is spam since I asked before (I couldn't find my original comment), but is there an option to use the original Japanese text instead of the english translation? Or any way to make that happen?

  38. Every time when I download to android/obb/com.ps3.higurashi/
    then its installing it to 3/4 and then it stops to finishing it to installing it.
    Can you help me with it? Plz.
    (Sorry for my bad english)

    1. Sorry I mean android/obb/com.ps3.higurashi/ higurashi_android_117.apk
      Plz solve this problem for me.

    2. Which version are you trying to install? With or without cache (obb file)? Also, you don't actually need to put the apk file in that folder, it's for the obb file.

    3. I am trying to install ,,Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (Android port)"
      And I did it with
      cache (obb file).
      Can you show me how to actually do the folders right?
      I just know android/ and then I don't know exactly how to put the folders right.
      Maybe its the problem from folders.

    4. can you do a YouTube video how to download and then install it?
      Because I got the same phone as yours and it would be helpful for other people if they try to download or install it.

    5. It could'll be nice to help me man. Because I'm doing this for 2 days now and I still don't get it how to do it.

    6. I hope this will help: https://youtu.be/_WIeKtGkWak

  39. Error parsing package after i opened the apk. Whats worse is that before i have 4 gigabyte space left, now it just taking my whole storage without installing apk 😓

    1. I had the same problem but then somehow my phone memory returned. Try installing the version with cache, this way you won't need to install large size apk

  40. Hello!
    I'd like to thank you for making this port and also for adding russian translation.
    Also, may I somehow help you with the process? I've tried pasting .rpyc files from other port (ps2 version) and it kinda changed text to russian in Tatarigoroshi but almost all the visuals (background, music) are gone. I'd really like to help you, so people (and myself as well) could finish reading it via using phone. Thank you for your dedicated hard work!

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Hi. Thanks for this. Quick question.. the first link under extras.. ps3 sfx.. what exactly is that? Do I need it? Cus it says to extract to a certain folder but that folder doesn't appear to exist on my device

    1. In the console versions some original sounds and ambients were replaced with new ones, so if you like them more, you can extract them to the "game" folder (you need to create it), and then original sounds will be replaced. It's not necessary.

  43. I want to translate it to German Austria.
    And I got a question. If you translate it to german, would be something wrong with the translation?

  44. I can't extract PS3 sfx because I can't find Higurashi's files, what should I do?

    1. Try going this path:
      Then if there's no "game" folder, create one and extract files from sfx folder there.

    2. I have created com.ps3.higurashi, should I create a files folder inside it?

    3. Did you install the game? Because com.ps3.higurashi folder must exist after installing, you shouldn't create it yourself. Try downloading and installing the game by the first link.

  45. I want to translate it to German Austria.
    And I got a question. If you translate it to german, would be something wrong with the translation?

  46. Pardon me for a stupid question. Is it possible to rewind dialogue? I want to go back without having to constantly save/load

  47. yo this is great, thank you so much dude, but i wonder why does the og sprites says "outdated"? i really wanna play it that way but id like to make sure if there is an updated version of that

    1. I'll update the version with og sprites later, after I finish Matsuribayashi

  48. Yo, how's you? Will there be any updates soon? Also big thanks to you!

  49. hello, can someone help me? ive cleared out my phone ad have 6gb at the ready. After downloading the apk then i proceed to isntall it, it just stops near the finished mark and said install failed? ANy ideas as to why this happens? It works perfectly fine in my friend's phone i used for trials.

    1. also i tried this using the 1st link, should i try to do it with the 2nd link instead? (it doesnt say ps3 sprites so im wondering if i download that instead it wouldnt be high quality)

    2. Yes, try installing the apk+obb version, it's ps3 sprites

  50. Sorry to ask, but how to hide text bar to view cg??

    1. You can't hide it, at least until the next update

    2. It's okay, anyway thanks so much for your hardwork.

  51. Thanks for this. I have noticed that there is no op or ed for this port. But I have heard from friends that Higurashi vn has nice songs. I have just finished the second chapter so not seeing one here too made me think that I am missing some files. The music gallery is also empty in the extras section.

    1. I included only the first op, it should be played at start of Onikakushi, after prologue. Music gallery is not available yet.

    2. Will you include other openings and endings by the way? Thanks for the work by the way!

  52. Hello! i read someone here said you would updated the OG sprites version after Matsuribayashi, is it coming soon? I can't wait for it really!

    1. The version with original sprites will out in a week or two, I hope

  53. Hello, first of all thank you for sharing :) I wanted to know if it was possible to put the script in French and if so how? Thank you in advance for your reply

  54. Awesome work! I'm curious if it's just my device, but it takes a solid 20 to 30 seconds to get past the title screen for me. Other than that everything looks good.

    1. For me it takes like 5-10 seconds, I guess.
      Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro btw

  55. This version is same with the Nintendo switch version of higurashi hou? And what about higurashi rei?thre is only queston and answer right?

    1. No, this port is more like the original game but with content from PS2, PS3 and PS4/Switch versions (graphics, music, sounds, effects etc.) Right now, only the 8 main arcs are ported. Higurashi Rei still doesn't have official translation and PS3 patch from 07th-Mod, so I don't know should I use fan translation or wait for MangaGamer's release.

    2. Okay thanks i really like your work bro
      I'll wait for the next update XD

  56. Excuse me, is there any opening play ingame?

    1. when i enabled the opening in first arc, it won't play. and straight to the gameplay..

    2. Yes, this version has one opening, but it sometimes doesn't play for some reason.

    3. i see, but when exactly the opening play?, i already finish the onikakushi arc.

    4. It plays right after Onikakushi prologue.

  57. I have installed previous version so if i installed the new one to update the oldest to the newest version what ablut our save data?
    Or there's will have 2 apks with different versions?

    1. The old version will be updated, so your saves are likely to remain.

    2. I have update to the new version and the save data still exists but it can be open so i restarting play from day 1 but after i playing day 2 on watanagashi at the scene when keichi and his father eating on angel mort there's error occured how i to fix this?�� Don't say i must uninstall and install it again then playing from onikakushi again

    3. Error like this

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Wow it's works thanks
      But after that there's mion maid with OG sprites appears
      It's the newest version 1.18 is mixed with og sprites?i think the OG have separate apk and i download the ps 3 one

    6. Wait it's totally change to OG sprites after i clicked igonre on that error

  58. If there's no more way except uninstall and te error because i update the apk which is the best solution?
    Keep install the new version?or install the previous one (1.17)
    Damn my finger will have cramps for clicking and skip the enikakushi arc for the one time

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. thank you for the og sprites version <3

  61. what's the difference between the three?

    1. 1 – PS3 graphics
      2 – PS3 graphics, but the game assets are installed separately
      3 – Original sprites

  62. i cant find /Android/data/com.ps3.higurashi/files/game/ for the extrasound effects

    1. "com.ps3.higurashi/files" is created after the first launch. Then you need to create "game" folder by yourself.

  63. Can you please make alternative links? I'm having problems with Mega and can't seem to find a solution with VPNS. Thank you in advance.


  64. Thanks a lot for the Russian translation ...

  65. Hello! Thanks for your work, third time I try to post this (page don't post my message). I'd like to know if you are planning to update the game and if so, what about adding Spanish translation for this and Kai? Also, I've been playing questions arc but I don't know if an incoming update would be compatible or I'll have to play from chapter 1 reinstalling the new apk

  66. Hi. I think the game cant be launched in android ver 7.11?

  67. I tried all 3 ver and all have the same problem.

  68. But i can play the apk ver of Higurashi Kai with no problem.

  69. Just discovered about this today, wanted to ask is this the port of the console version or pc (uncensored) with the extra stuff the console version has?

  70. Hi what android version is required? A friend of mine can't install the game in any way. Their android version is 8.0.

  71. I'm having problem
    I did everything as it is mentioned here and in your video but I'm struck at Loading screen where the Logo is. I tried to discover the log in Data file and found this
    Mon Aug 30 20:48:51 2021
    Unknown platform.

    Bootstrap to the start of init.init took 0.00s
    Bootstrap to the start of init.init took 0.00s
    Manufacturer itel model itel S11
    Screen diagonal is 4.08187899271 inches.
    Early init took 0.45s
    Early init took 0.45s
    Android searchpath: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.ps3.higurashi/files/game
    Loader init took 1.56s
    Loader init took 1.56s
    Loading error handling took 10.02s
    Loading error handling took 10.02s
    Pls help me ~~ (`~`)

  72. ++Error dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "atof" referenced by "libpng16.so"
    My android version is 4.4.4 btw.

  73. Can you upload the original sprites version to google drive? Mega won't let me download it because of quota

  74. Will more arcs console be added? like Outbreak?

  75. http://pearsehillock.blogspot.com/2015/07/higurashi-no-naku-koro-ni-rei-v11.html

    the rei arcs translated with sui graphics or original graphics but not like 07th mod... it is similar to the sound novel and not console visual novels (the text is displayed on the picture not on a board under the picture)..

  76. [code]
    I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

    While processing text tag {/cps} in u'"Who gives a damn about the taste, Keiichi!{fast} See~...{/cps} Isn\'t it great~{font=DejaVuSans.ttf}\u2606{/font}"'.:
    File "renpy/common/00library.rpy", line 165, in extend
    File "renpy/common/00nvl_mode.rpy", line 380, in do_display
    Exception: u'/cps' closes a text tag that isn't open.

  77. Can you help me cause I'm planning to put the ps3 sound effects and it says I should go to the "com.ps3.higurashi" and out the file on the "game and directory" folder but I can't find the folders anywhere

    1. You need to create a new folder in com.ps3.higurashi and name it "game".

    2. Sorry for the late reply it also says "directory" do I need to make that folder in the game folder?

  78. I'm trying to install but I can't.

    I can only download the file but after my phone is done "staging", it says do you wish to install, but after I click install, it says did not install

    I tried the 1st link and your Google drive link. How do I fix?

  79. I have downloaded the apk+obb version but the game is stuck on screen saying "07th expansion presents welcome to hinamizawa... When they cry"
    Can you please help?

    1. It takes 2-3min loading for first time wait on that screen for some time

  80. Does Android port don't play opening song? I clicked on enable opening but it didn't played I have completed onikakushi

  81. You can put the download in mediafire?

  82. In Portuguese are there some translation patches for the steam version of the game, using this would it be possible to generate a Portuguese version of your size?

    Em português existem alguns pachs de tradução para a versão da steam do jogo, usando isso seria possivel gerar uma versão em portugues do seu porte?

    1. https://higurashieternal.wordpress.com/
      if possible it is possible to find the translation patches in this link and it is possible to download them from onedrive without using a link shortener.

  83. What's the minimum device requirement for this port admin?

  84. Thanks for this port. Is there a way to change text font?

  85. Hey, sorry to bother, but I'm not sure how to get anything other than Onikakushi. The download in this page contains nothing but Onikakushi. I own all arcs on steam so that isn't a problem, I'm just not sure how to get it working. Thanks if anyone can help!

    1. Nevermind, I just realized each chapter is unlocked after you finish the previous one!

  86. Thanks @TachibanaDarwin for making an android port of this game

    There are two options I will suggest to improve the game

    1- Hiding text window:
    This can be done by adding this line at the end of screen.rpy ( no indent), so an up-swipe will hide the window interface
    define -1 config.gestures = {"n" : "hide_windows"}

    2- Adding voice-playback in the history menu:
    I have done it here
    The code is tested with (Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - latest version 1.18)
    The only challenge if found is that some sentence has many voices. In pc port {history menu}, they are played one after another, but I felt they sound a bit unnatural so, I injected a small delay between them.

  87. Hey, im definitely interested to play it on my phone so thx for making it possible ! Though, i do have one question : ik a french version patch do exist, so even if this is a patch for the pc version, is there still any way to actually play it in french on a phone ?

    1. Unfortunately, French is not available right now for this port.

  88. Can you put the apk+obb file again? I wanted to download it but now it's gone. Apk file didn't installed for me

    1. Apk+obb version was outdated, and obb is not supported anymore.
      But you still can install the base apk and the game assets separately.
      Download and install apk from https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1jLiaCOBI6NCGEapkCqRyyPh1OqMdXRvK and then download and put the six .rpa archives into /Android/data/com.higurashi/files/game

  89. Not working? Can't install it lol wanted to read it since June 10 for obvious reasons

    1. Check if you have enough available space (more than needed). If you still can't install it, try installing version from previous comment.

  90. Aw man, you wouldn't believe how much my phone and this game banged my brain for straight a day, but out of a sudden this worked?! Thanks man, you're nobody but a goddamn blood whitemage

  91. Has anyone found a solution to this?

    While processing text tag {/cps} in u'"Who gives a damn about the taste, Keiichi!{fast} See~...{/cps} Isn\'t it great~{font=DejaVuSans.ttf}\u2606{/font}"'.:
    File "renpy/common/00library.rpy", line 165, in extend
    File "renpy/common/00nvl_mode.rpy", line 380, in do_display
    Exception: u'/cps' closes a text tag that isn't open.

  92. Hey man, could you upload this to Mediafire, Google Drive or another place instead? File size is too big and it's not downloading to mega for whatever reason, because their transferring limit is too low.

    1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/19GRhvLN7bgH6DIfbNhKwKgNouVnFlZSb/view?usp=drivesdk

  93. Hi, I copied patch.rpyc in directory android/data/com.ps3.higurashi/files/game but game crashes. Where to put patch.rpyc?

  94. I put the files in the game folder as instructed but the game keeps crashing on startup even after reinstalling. Any help, please?
